Sitemap In Alphabetical Order
Portrait of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642)
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642) 2
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Cardinal Pierre de Berulle (1575-1629)
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Landscape
Portrait of Isaac-Louis Lemaistre de Sacy (1613-84) 1658
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Louis XIII (1601-43) engraving by Jean Morin
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Mother Catherine-Agnes Arnauld (1593-1671) (detail), 1662
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Mother Marie-Angelique Arnauld (1591-1661) Abbess of Port-Royal, aged 57, 1648
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of Vincent Voiture (1597-1648) c.1643-44
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait presumed to be Etienne Delafons, 1648
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Portrait
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, 1639-40
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Square
Sts Gervase abd Protase Appearing to St Ambrose
Artist: Philippe de Philippe de
Orientation: Landscape